From Thursday 29 June 2023 to Sunday 2 July 2023

12:00pm - 8:00pm

Beaux-Arts de Paris

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris et 126 rue des Rosiers, 93400 Saint-Ouen


Detailed programme Ateliers Ouverts 2023

Thursday, Friday, Saturday at SAINT-GERMAIN and Sunday at SAINT-OUEN

The Ateliers Ouverts are a unique opportunity to discover the young creativity and artistic diversity produced by students at the Beaux-Arts de Paris.

The studios are transformed into exhibition spaces, offering a panorama of work produced from the first to the fifth year: installations, paintings, photos, sculptures, videos, etc.

In 2023, you can also discover the work of students in the Via Ferrata preparatory class.

To punctuate this exceptional event, events and performances outside the studio will offer an overview of the works of the School's young artists.


Thursday 29 June to Saturday 1 July / 14 rue Bonaparte / SAINT-GERMAIN
Thursday and Friday, 12 noon to 8pm
Saturday from 12pm to 6pm

Studio training is one of the hallmarks of the Beaux-Arts de Paris, and bears the name of the renowned artist who runs it. Push open the doors of the studios of : Dove Allouche, Hicham Berrada, Olivier Blanckart, Wernher Bouwens, Marie José Burki, Stéphane Calais, Nina Childress, Claude Closky, Clément Cogitore, Julien Creuzet, Hélène Delprat, Mimosa Echard, Tim Eitel, Patrick Faigenbaum, Dominique Figarella, Petrit Halilaj and Alvaro Urbano, Emmanuelle Huynh, Angelica Mesiti, Aurélie Pagès, Guillaume Paris, Eric Poitevin, Julien Prévieux, James Rielly, Anne Rochette, Bojan Sarcevic, Joann Sfar, Julien Sirjacq, Nathalie Talec, Djamel Tatah, Pascale Marthine Tayou, Tatiana Trouvé, Fabrice Vannier.


Continuous from Thursday to Saturday

At 14 rue Bonaparte, Théo Pall and Olivier Perusat, two students from the Julien Sirjacq studio, have taken over the façades to help you find your way around the school. Produced with the support of the Fondation Antoine de Galbert.

Book sale
Fine books and art books from the Beaux-Arts de Paris publishing house at exceptional prices.
Vestibule of the Palais des Études

Saint-Germain des prints
An exhibition of prints and micro-publications, bringing together students and graduates from French and international art schools. Organised by students at the Beaux-Arts de Paris.
Galleries right and left

Super Big Combo
Collective exhibition of works and performances by students in years 1 to 5.
Glass courtyard

Contemporary Drawing Prize 2023
Exhibition of the five Beaux-Arts de Paris artists nominated for the Prix du Dessin Contemporain 2023: Alessandro Di Lorenzo, Timothée Gruel, Nabil Harbaoui, Elina Huneman and Charles Mornaud.
Drawing workshop

Prizes and bursaries awarded by the Friends of the Beaux-Arts de Paris
Exhibition of the thirteen winners of the 2022 prizes and bursaries awarded by the Association des Amis des Beaux-Arts de Paris: Abdelhak Benallou, Jules Bourbon, Malo Chapuy, Zhexiang Chen, Dora Jeridi, Pierre-Alexandre Savriacouty, Rayan Yasmineh, Clédia Fourniau, Manon Gignoux, Gabriel Moraes Aquino, Mathis Perron, Emily Koffi-Brou, Bertille Letillois.
Chapelle des Petits-Augustins

The contemporary art library,
will be open until 8pm on Thursday 29 and Friday 30 June and on Saturday 1 July.

Free admission to the Sur le feu exhibition
13 quai Malaquais


Events Thursday 29 June

2pm - Round table "In my house underground".
Organised by 5th year student Anaïs Balu-Emane, a discussion on how we might imagine and create our own houses underground, for and by artists. From the association to the artist run-space, via the residency, the publishing house or the radio station, an exploration of some of the issues involved in putting our houses in the ground.
Glass courtyard

3pm, 5pm and 6pm - Discover the Nouvelle Académie des Amateurs (NABA)
The NABA offers a 1-hour introduction to life drawing with Maryline Genest, an artist and teacher with a diploma from the Beaux-Arts de Paris.
Register here or on site at the NABA stand in the Cour Bonaparte.
Morphology amphitheatre

6.30pm - Fashion show
Fashion show of costumes, clothes and wearable volumes organised by 4th and 2nd year students Missia Casanova and Colombe Thaller. Drawing on the codes of haute-couture fashion shows, the models will set in motion the various costumes, garments and wearable volumes that can be operated by the body. From performance objects to screen-printed T-shirts, there will be as many to wear as there are artists to create them. Sound design by Durwham Durwham.
Cour du mûrier


Events Friday 30 June

1pm - "Slashism" round table discussion
A discussion led by Anaïs Balu-Emane, a 5th year student, on 'slashism' among artists, i.e. the fact of combining several activities to finance their practice but also within their art itself.
Glass courtyard

3pm - Round table "A good story makes you sleep at night".
How do we tell the story of our world? What stories content the work of artists? Talk by Anaïs Balu-Emane, 5th year student.
Glass courtyard

3pm, 4pm, 5pm and 6pm - Discover NABA
NABA offers a 1-hour introduction to life drawing with Maryline Genest or drawing and painting with Maxime Verdier, artist-teachers and graduates of the Beaux-Arts de Paris.
Register here or on site at the NABA stand in the Cour Bonaparte.
Morphology Amphitheatre or NABA Workshop

6pm - Round table Le Cercle Chromatique x ColAAb
Conversation between the curator Nicolas Bourriaud, the artists Elvire Bonduelle, Sara Favriau, Vincent Lamouroux, Angelika Markul, Morgane Tschiember and Aurélie Sarallier, creator of ColAAb, who is presenting a selection of furniture works as part of the Sur le feu exhibition.
Librairie des Beaux-Arts

6.30pm - Performance C'est à faire tourner la tête (It's enough to make your head spin)
A wandering performance by Romane Charlot, a 5th year student.
Glass courtyard

7.30pm - Performance Vers midi ; la chute
Theatrical performance by Lisa Lecuivre, 3rd year student.
Guillaume Paris studio


Events Saturday 1 July

2pm, 3pm, 4pm and 5pm - Discovering NABA
Take a 1-hour introduction to life drawing with Maryline Genest, or drawing and painting with Maxime Verdier.
Register here or on site at the NABA stand in the Cour Bonaparte.
Morphology Amphitheatre or NABA Workshop

12pm - 5pm - Cuisine en pleine air
Performance by Rémi Renaux (Tatiana Trouvé workshop) 
Jardin Chimay

3pm and 5pm - Performance On Time
Choreographic creation by Ola Maciejewska with Anna Massoni. In partnership with C.A.M.P, as part of Mondes nouveaux, for and with students from the Huynh workshop.
Cour du mûrier


Sunday 2 July / 126 rue des Rosiers / SAINT-OUEN
12 noon to 6pm

Continuous from 12 noon to 6pm

Super Big Combo
Ceramics, Forging, Composite materials, Modelling, Moulding, Carving... visit the workshops of : Götz Arndt, Jérémy Berton, Laurent Esquerré, Carole Leroy, Rémy Pommeret, Philippe Renault, Anna Voke, Via Ferrata.

Discover these workshops and a collective exhibition in the central space on your own or with the guidance of students and teachers.


3pm and 4pm - Discover the New Amateur Academy (NABA)
Take a 1-hour introduction to ceramics with Madeleine Calafell, an artist with a diploma from the Beaux-Arts de Paris.
Register here or on site at the NABA stand.

5.30pm - Performance Chimères
A proposal by Eva Gabrielle Sarfati, a 5th year student, based around 5 chimera-performers.