In the continuity of the "Theatre of Exhibitions", the residents and students of the fourth class of the "Artists & Exhibition Professions" program propose the program-exhibition Sur le feu. Based on works from the collection and pieces by students and contemporary artists, Sur le feu aims to highlight all of the School's resources in order to share with the public the multiple forms of life and creation that are simmering at the Beaux-Arts de Paris.
How to animate an exhibition? How do you bring it to life? What would it be like to inhabit it? The project unfolds in three principles of thematic actions.
The first lifts the veil on what the Beaux-Arts de Paris are, by making their backstage visible. The second is an invitation to conviviality and living together within the exhibition itself. The third one is a reflection of this collective emulation towards the outside world.
This progressive revelation, going as far as to overflow, makes the bet of a lively and constantly evolving exhibition, where events, projections, workshops and round-table discussions participate in the subject as much as the works presented.
Resolutely prospective, the exhibition goes beyond the simple visit and transports visitors into the experience of interaction and activation.
From week to week - from low fire to high fire - the intensity crescendos, the exhibition comes alive, reveals its secrets and surprises and invites the public to fuel its fire. Here, works of art welcome you for a siesta; there, you are expected to join us for a big buffet. Visitors will be able to contribute to numerous workshops: sewing, making fanzines, tracing and reproducing works from the collection, repairing, manicuring... or simply come and listen to a concert or follow a round table. Everyone will also be able to become a curator of exhibitions to be developed on site from the database of the collections, thanks to an interactive and immersive device proposed by EBB and Neïl Beloufa.
The heritage works will offer shifted perspectives on the history of the Beaux-Arts de Paris. The invited artists - established artists or students - will propose works that, worn, produced on site or tasted, will multiply throughout the exhibition. The Beaux-Arts de Paris thus becomes a living museum in which visitors and artists are invited to co-create.
Antariksa, Andréanne Béguin, Qu Chang, curators in residence ;
Mélanie Bouteloup and Armelle Pradalier, co-directors of the "Artists & Exhibition Professions" programme
Juliette Barthe, Ugo Casubolo Ferro, Bruna Luiza Costa Pessoa, Assia Cuche Barkat, Darya Danilovich, Louise Feneyrou-Py, Camille Florance, Enzo Meglio, Baptiste Meillier, Camille Paillou, Melissa Vazquez, Bruna Vettori, Lucie Wahl, students in the "Artists & Exhibition Professions" programme.
Among the artists and participants
Bérénice Ahadji, AIMS Programme, Ilaria Andreotti, Gilad Ashery, Ece Bal & Leïla Vilmouth, Morgane Baffier, Hans Baldung, Ors Batmaz, Neïl Beloufa & EBB, Yassine Ben Abdallah, Margot Bernard, Sacha Boccara, Mehdi Bouali, Rose Bourdon, Brieuc Bouwens, Alfred-Henri Bramtot, Thomas Buswell, Café Héloïse, Sila Candansayar, La Caverne, Doreen Chan, Félix-Auguste Clément, Gaëlle Choisne, Pô, Georges-Ernest Coquart, Clément Courgeon, Alphonse Dargent, Jean-Baptiste Deshays, Jean-Amédée Despin, François-Théodore Devaulx, Vincent van der Donk, Princesse Diakumpuna, Maria Eichhorn, Extra-Lucide (Hélène Garcia & Emile Degorce-Dumas), Amor Fati, Nicolas Faubert, Andreas Février, Lina Filipovitch, Les Francas, Céleste Ingrand, Freddy Kitchen, Olivia Funès Lastras, Félix-Henri Giacomotti, Anna Giner, Marie Glaize & Louis Clais, La Glaneuse, Amine Haddad, Georges-Jean-Marie Haquette, Heart Street association, Ninon Hivert, atelier Huynh, Ignis, Ingela Ihrman, Ana Jotta, Djiby Kebe, Konstantin Kyriakopolous & Chloé Royer, Maxime Laguerre et Lili Levy-Lajeunesse, Louis Lanne, Cynthia Lefebvre, Charles-Jacques Lebel, Franck Leibovici et Yaël Kreplak, Clara Le Meur, Nicolas-Bernard Lépicié, Julie Le Toquin, Marc Lohner, Sofia Magdits, Iman Malik, Karel van Mander, Chef Marouane, Wesley Meuris, Gabriel Moraes Aquino, Neeve Moule Drige, Eadweard Muybridge, Kiek Nieuwint, Elia Nurvista, Joachim Olender, Clara Paillette, Papier Saint Germain, Lyz Parayzo & Nicole Mera, Amol Patil, Fernand Pelez, Mathis Perron, Hatice Pinarbasi, Jonathan Pouthier, Edouard Pourchet, atelier Prévieux, Caroline Rambaud, Loïc Rouillé, Sofia Salazar Rosales, Lana Salvatori, Eva Gabrielle Sarfati, Pascal Sébah, Isadora Soares Belletti, Pierre Soulez-Larivière, Fanny Taillandier, Benjamin Ulmann, Qingmei Yao, Anissa Zrioui and many others. ..
Practical information
Thursday June 1 - Sunday July 16, 2023
13 quai Malaquais, Paris 6e
Wednesday to Sunday, 1pm-7pm
Nocturne on Thursday until 9pm
2, 5 or 10 €, the choice is yours!

Ninon Hivert, Personne.s, 2021 Installation de céramiques, dimensions variables © Misha Zavalniy

Gabriel Moraes Aquino, FFEJ, 2022 et Sol Ardente, 2022 Installation/ensemble © Courtesy de l’artiste

Charles-Jacques Lebel, Le sommeil distrait par un songe agréable (concours de la tête d’expression), 1807, pierre noire et craie sur papier beige, Les Beaux-Arts de Paris, EBA 4385 © Beaux-Arts de Paris, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Image de Beaux-arts de Paris.

Neil Beloufa, Host A, 2021

Affiche de l'exposition "Sur le feu"