
Thursday 29 April 2021

6:30pm - 7:30pm

En direct

Instagram Beaux-Arts de Paris


Lucie Tréguier and Corentin Schimel, co-founders of the association "Le Barreau des Arts", talk with Alain Berland about the relationship between art and law.


Le Barreau des Arts is an association that aims to promote access to the law for authors and precarious performers. The association acts under the aegis of the Paris Bar Association, and offers beneficiary artists legal advice on copyright law, as well as educational resources to promote and facilitate their access to and understanding of the law. 


The raison d'être of the Barreau des Arts is to improve access to justice for artists, as well as to give them the tools and means necessary to allow them to concentrate on their creation. 


To contact the association, the artist fills out a form on the website, then sends it to He or she is then contacted by a student and then by a lawyer specialized in copyright law who provides personalized advice. "




Penser le Présent is realized with the support of Société Générale.
Thursday April 29, 2021
Instagram Live


Photo credit: Olivier Montay