Thursday 6 April 2023

7:00pm - 8:30pm

Amphithéâtre des Loges

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


Born in 1991, Jeanne Vicerial lives and works in Paris. Since her adolescence, she has turned to clothing design. After studying costume design and obtaining a Master's degree in Clothing Design at the École des Arts Décoratifs de Paris in 2015, she embarked on a research project that took the form of a doctoral thesis SACRe (Sciences, Arts, Creation, Research), which she defended in 2019.


She deepened her research by developing, thanks to a partnership with the mechatronics department of MINES ParisTech, a patented robotic process that enables the production of tailor-made garments without dropping.


At the same time, she became involved in an artistic process that led her to found the Clinique vestimentaire research and design studio, after a spell with Hussein Chalayan.


In addition to her personal creations, she quickly initiated numerous collaborations with artists from different backgrounds: photographers, sculptors, performers, choreographers, musicians, perfumers, etc.


A resident at the French Academy in Rome - Villa Medici in 2019-2020, her creations have been exhibited at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris (2018), the Villa Medici and the Palazzo Farnese in Rome (2020), the Collection Lambert in Avignon (2021) and have recently been included in the collection of the Cnap (Centre national des arts plastiques).


She will be in dialogue with Alain Berland about the Clinique vestimentaire studio.

From 11 to 16 April, Jeanne Vicerial will present her creations as part of the artistic event Mondes nouveaux X Beaux-Arts de Paris.


Penser le Présent is supported by Société Générale.

Amphithéâtre des Loges - 14 rue Bonaparte, Paris 6e

Free admission subject to availability of seats


Photo credit: © Joseph Schiano Di Lombo