From thursday 10 october 2019 to saturday 30 november 2019

Palais des études - Cour vitrée

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006

Anna Boghiguian is the guest artist of the 2019 Paris Festival d'Automne. She has chosen to present two monumental chess games in the glazed courtyard of the Palais des Etudes. 

Designed and produced during a residency of several months at Beaux-Arts de Paris, the chess boards bear witness to Anna Boghiguian’s interest in political strategy. Two complete games are placed on either side of the glazed courtyard and respectively pit a group of soldiers against demonstrators and an assembly of thinkers against politicians who aimed to implement their ideas, very often betraying them at the same time. We see the poet Tagore, Chávez, Gandhi, dervishes and Queen Victoria. The sixty-four pieces have all been painted on paper, mounted on wood and hung from the glass roof of the glazed courtyard. Tables and chairs are made available around them for amateur or experienced chess players, Beaux-Arts de Paris students and professionals brought together for the occasion of tournaments organised by the Ile-de-France Chess League.


Anna Boghiguian

11 octobre - 1er décembre 2019

Interruption du 4 au 12 novembre 2019

14, rue Bonaparte

Paris 6e

From Wednesay to Sunday. 12 pm – 9 pm


Free entry

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