Exhibiting thirty drawings by masters of the Italian Renaissance, testifying to the studio practices of the end of the 15th and early 16th centuries, Beaux-Arts de Paris pays homage to Leonardo da Vinci and his contemporaries.
On this occasion, Beaux-Arts de Paris is presenting a set of in situ masterpieces for the first time, including four drawings by Leonardo da Vinci received as donations in 1883 and 1908, as well as drawings by other prestigious painters, contemporaneous to the master: Raphaël with three drawings executed before his departure for Rome, in particular a study for a Madonna and Child and studies of drapery and the profile of a man, as well as Benozzo Gozzoli and Filippino Lippi whose drawings appeal through the technique of metal point on coloured paper that was very popular in Florence at the time.
Curated by Emmanuelle Brugerolles
Beaux-Arts de Paris
Cabinet des dessins Jean Bonna
14, rue Bonaparte
75006 Paris

Léonard de Vinci (Vinci, 1452 - Amboise, 1519) Études de balistique Plume et encre brune. H. 0,200 ; L. 0,280 m Inv. n° EBA 423

Léonard de Vinci (Vinci, 1452 - Amboise, 1519) Tête de vieillard de trois quart Pointe d’argent sur papier légèrement préparé ocre rosé. H. 0,095 ; L. 0,085 m. Inv. n°EBA427

Raffaello Sanzio, dit Raphaël (Urbino, 1483 – Rome, 1520) Études pour la Madone au baldaquin (recto) Plume et encre brune, esquisse à la pierre noire sur papier beige. H. 0, 228 ; L. 0, 312 m Inv. n° EBA 310