From tuesday 17 october 2023 to sunday 22 october 2023

Every day from 10am to 7pm

Chapelle des Petits-Augustins

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris

The Beaux-Arts de Paris are pleased to welcome with Paris+ by Art Basel the project by Jessica Warboys and the gallery Gaudel de Stampa (Paris).

The 17th-century chapel of the Beaux-Arts de Paris will host an exhibition by British artist Jessica Warboys, exploring the overlap between man-made culture and nature. Titled ‘THIS TAIL GROWS AMONG RUINS’, it will combine a multichannel video and sound installation with a large collage of unstretched paintings. Warboys makes these by following a unique process: She brushes the canvas with beeswax, immerses it in wild bodies of water, and then sprinkles it with mineral pigments on the shores. In her eponymous video work, the artist stages the journey of a candle through various sites where nature and culture intersect, from the Biblioteca Joanina in Coimbra, Portugal – home to a colony of bats that protect its precious manuscripts from insects – to the pine forest surrounding the Arvo Pärt Center in Laulasmaa, Estonia. The video is accompanied by a soundtrack using the amplified sounds of bats, composed by Morten Norbye Halvorsen. The project is presented by Gaudel de Stampa (Paris).


Practical info

From Tuesday 17 October 2023 to Sunday 22 October 2023 every day from 10am to 7pm
Free admission to the exhibition 

Chapelle des Petits-Augustins
14 rue Bonaparte, Paris 6