ring the course of the day, students from VIA FERRATA and the public art preparatory classes of the ABA and the Renverse programme at ENSAD Paris were able to find out about some thirty French and international schools, thanks to testimonials from our former students. Our preparatory classes are part of the appéa network (association des prépas publiques aux écoles supérieures d'art).
Schools featured: Beaux-Arts in Paris, Cergy, Lyon, Marseille, Nantes, Bordeaux, Dijon, Rennes, Nancy, Tours, Caen, Limoges, Epinal-Metz, Aix-en-Provence, Ecole des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, Villa Arson in Nice, Hautes écoles d'art du Rhin Strasbourg-Mulhouse, Ecole Européenne de l'Image in Angoulême, Pavillon Bosio in Monaco, Olivier de Serre, ENSCI, ERG, ARBA and La Cambre in Brussels.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

©Hugo Aymar

©Hugo Aymar

©Hugo Aymar

©Hugo Aymar

©Hugo Aymar

©Hugo Aymar

©Hugo Aymar

©Hugo Aymar

©Hugo Aymar

©Hugo Aymar

©Hugo Aymar

©Hugo Aymar

©Hugo Aymar

©Hugo Aymar

©Hugo Aymar

©Hugo Aymar

©Hugo Aymar

©Hugo Aymar

©Hugo Aymar