Anne Dreyfus Home

Rencontres Aiguillages / Anne Dreyfus

Apolline Morel-Lab Lucanus Cervus

Rencontres Aiguillages / Apolline Morel-Lab

©Hugo Aymar

information and career forum 2024


Meeting Aiguillages / Tatiana Da Silva Vaz

Pierre de Mahéas "Heads"

Art and Science workshop with Pierre de Mahéas

©Hugo Aymar

Workshop Nemorosa

©Hugo Aymar

Workshop Nemorosa (suite)

©Anthony Micallef

Programme of exhibition visits 2024-2025

Manuel Aparicio Ugalde photo ©Irène Eon photo

Graduates / Manuel Aparicio Ugalde

Irène Eon photo ©Dunia Carandano

Graduates / Irène Eon

©Hugo Aymar

back to school 2024-2025 (continued)

©Hugo Aymar

Rentrée 2024-2025

©Hugo Aymar

Competition results for the class of 2023/2024

©Hugo Aymar

Open doors

Ayuna Ochirova  photo@carolinadelarochem

Graduates / Ayuna Ochirova

Angela Noir

Graduates / Angela Noir

Timothée Gruel

Graduates / Timothée Gruel

©Hugo Aymar

candidates admitted for 2024-2025

©Hugo Aymar


©Hugo Aymar

students' work (continued)

©Hugo Aymar

student works (continued)

©Hugo Aymar

student works

©Aurelia Casse

Graduates / Fabien Conti

©Hugo Aymar

information and orientation forum

Joséphine Loembe-Sauthat

Les diplômé(e)s / Joséphine Loembe-Sauthat

©Hugo Aymar

Hiking in the Fontainebleau forest

©Hugo Aymar

students' exhibition

Carolina de la Roche

The graduates / Carolina de la Roche

©Hugo Aymar

2023-2024 exhibition visit program

©Anne-Claire Monot

The graduates / Dayane Obadia

©Hugo Aymar

National Association of Public Preparatory Courses for Art Schools (APPÉA)

©Hugo Aymar

Back to school 2023-2024 (continued)

©Hugo Aymar

Rentrée 2023-2024

©Hugo Aymar

VIA FERRATA's students and teachers wish you a wonderful summer.

©Hugo Aymar

End of year exhibitions

©Hugo Aymar

Competition results for the class of 2022/2023

©Hugo Aymar

Candidates admitted for 2023-2024

©Hugo Aymar

Candidats admissibles 2023-2024

Mila Ferraris photo©Hugo Aymar

Student's work (continued)

nina Cultru Klara Le Borgne Farah Belhaj-Yahia Rosa Biasolo Olivia Berman Olga Valette Adele Main Rachel Zilberfarb ©Hugo Aymar

students' work (continued)

Chloé Zhang photos©Hugo Aymar

students' works

©Hugo Aymar

The information and orientation forum

©Hugo Aymar

The Via Ferrata team and students wish you a happy holiday season.

©Hugo Aymar

The banquet

©Hugo Aymar


©Hugo Aymar

Land Art in fontainebleau forest

©Hugo Aymar

Students from the previous class

©Hugo Aymar

Start of the school year 2022 / 2023 (continued)

©Hugo Aymar

Start of the school year 2022 / 2023

©Hugo Aymar

Back to "Ateliers Ouverts" 2022

©Hugo Aymar

Class of 2021/2022: Results of art school entrance exams.

©Hugo Aymar

Work of the students of the class of 2021/2022 (CHOGORI class)

Performance workshop with France Hervé and Sophie Romanet

Performance workshop with France Hervé and Sophie Romanet

VIA FERRATA, la classe préparatoire intégrée aux Beaux-Arts de Paris, double ses effectifs en septembre 2021 et accueille 50 nouveaux élèves.     Cette classe préparatoire publique prépare, durant un an, des élèves issus de la diversité sociale, géographique et culturelle aux examens et concours d’entrée dans les établissements supérieurs d’enseignement artistique (95% taux de réussite).