The seventh class (Errigal class) of Via Ferrata, the public preparatory class for the entrance exams to the higher artistic education institutions, integrated to the Beaux-Arts de Paris, is back in school.

The 48 students who make up this new class were selected from over 650 applications. They are between 18 and 21 years old, come from Ile-de-France, other French regions and even from abroad with several nationalities represented: Colombian, Polish, German and Ukrainian.

The program is always dense: led by a team of 10 professors, it includes courses and workshops of artistic creations and reflections in the workshops located on the two sites of the school (Paris/Saint-Ouen) as well as theoretical and practical lectures (amphitheaters of the Paris site). In addition to access to the school's resources (library, conferences, exhibitions, digital center), numerous cultural visits are offered to museums, galleries, art centers, artists' studios and production sites. A sum of opportunities and spaces for development that we hope will allow our students to enter the schools they desire at the end of this year.


Via Ferrata benefits from the support of its patrons, Givenchy Parfum and Gide Pro Bono