It's back to school time for VIA FERRATA's eighth promotion (Hornocal class)!

The 50 students were selected from over 500 applications received. They are creative, curious, cultured and open-minded young people who draw, paint, film, photograph, write, sculpt and dream. They come from Ile-de-France, other French regions and abroad, with several nationalities represented: Swedish, Greek, Mexican, Chinese and Ukrainian.

Led by a team of 10 professors, the teaching program includes creative and thought-provoking courses and workshops in the workshops located on the school's two sites (Paris/Saint-Ouen), as well as theoretical and practical lectures (amphitheatres on the Paris site). In addition to access to the school's resources (library, lectures, exhibitions, digital center), numerous cultural visits are offered to museums, galleries, art centers, artists' studios and production sites.

Happy New Year to all!


Via Ferrata benefits from the support of its patrons, Givenchy Parfum and Gide Pro Bono.