

Studio professor

With Emmanuelle Huynh, dance enters into a relationship with literature, music, light and architecture. She studied philosophy alongside dance. 

In 1995, thanks to the Villa Médicis Hors les Murs grant, she created the solo Múa, shifting her focus from dance to performance. This was followed by projects such as A vida enorme, Shinbaï le vol de l'âme, Cribles, Tôzai !..., Formation, Nuée, Kraanerg... In 2022 she created Embrasser un arbre, embrasser le temps, an in situ performance on the memorial question of trees with the composer and director of the GMEM - CNCM in Marseille, Christian Sebille. Between 2004 and 2012, she directed the Centre National de Danse Contemporaine (CNDC) in Angers, notably creating a new "Essais" course and Schools, an international meeting of dance and art schools. In 2016, together with visual artist Jocelyn Cottencin, she initiated a series of portraits of the cities of New York and Saint-Nazaire. In 2021 / 2022 these two portraits will be exhibited at the Carré d'Art in Nîmes under the title De vertical, devenir horizontal, étale. 

She is working on Atravessemos! a portrait of São Paulo in Brazil, which will be created with students from her studio at the Beaux-Arts de Paris in 2024. Lands, a portrait of Houston, will open at the DiverseWorks art centre in November 2023 and will be revived at the Théâtre national de Chaillot in collaboration with the studio.

Her interviews with Trisha Brown have been published by Presses du réel. by Presses du réel.



Photo : Hugo Aymar