

A young painter who graduated from the Beaux-Arts de Paris in 2022 after joining François Boisrond's studio, Paul Curti then followed the curriculum of the first class of the Fresco and Situated Art program in 2023.

Paul lives and works in Paris: he is passionate about painting techniques and enjoys experimenting, metamorphosing paint and playing with pure, even flashy colors in a luminous universe where the landscape is linked to references from the history of painting, but also to pop culture. Her work is focused on childhood. Indeed, after reinterpreting photographs from family archives, he now uses old figurines, scale models and other toys to compose the space of his paintings.

His pictorial universe has opened up to the medium of the wall, particularly to the fresco technique, which has revolutionized his way of painting. This has strengthened his relationship with raw materials such as pigments and supports. Paul currently works in a shared studio with other artists. His current art tends towards painting in which nature, light and characters set the scene for joyful and sometimes surprising scenes of life.

Paul gives fresco workshops with technical instruction in plastering, cardboard preparation, smoothing, sgraffito, etc.

Photo credit: Ayka Lux