
Thursday 3 June 2021

6:00pm - 7:00pm


Beaux-Arts de Paris website


"Inscrire le mouvement", interview with Emmanuelle Huynh, head of the Beaux-Arts de Paris workshop.

A leading figure in French choreographic research, Myriam Gourfink has been invited to numerous international festivals. For the past 20 years, she has been pursuing her research to formalize her own language of composition. Her approach is based on the breathing techniques of yoga.


To compose, the choreographer Myriam Gourfink writes at the table with a language in perpetual evolution that she develops since 2002. For this she studies Labanotation. However, her writing aims at creation and not at the notation of an already existing dance. This approach is inspired by writing and composition practices in the field of new music.


Myriam Gourfink has been artist in residence at IRCAM, Fresnoy/Studio national des arts contemporains, Forum de Blanc-Mesnil, and Micadanses in Paris. From 2008 to 2013, she also directed the Programme de recherche et de composition chorégraphiques (PRCC) of the Fondation Royaumont, and programmed, in 2012, the cycle "Les danses augmentées" at the Gaîté Lyrique. Supported by the Centre Pompidou since 1999, her work was the subject of a focus on the theme of "Les formes du temps" at the inauguration of the Westbund Museum Project x Centre Pompidou in Shanghai. She is the author, with Yvane Chapuis and Julie Perrin, of the book Composer en danse - Un vocabulaire des opérations et des pratiques, published by Les presses du réel in January 2020.



Lifesize from the amphi des Loges, broadcast live on the website