Echoing the exhibition Gribouillage / Scarabocchio, from Leonardo da Vinci to Cy Twombly, the Drawing and Graphic Arts Department of Beaux-Arts de Paris presents for the first time a group exhibition of artists who are professors and former professors of the School.
With the sketches, sources, paths, thought processes and creations of forty teachers from the Beaux-Arts de Paris, Les professeurs gribouillent aussi... offers an encounter with the genesis of the works of these artists and constitutes a unique testimony to the creation of a unique testimony to today's creation.
The exhibition explores the diversity of doodling practices within the School - drawing, printmaking, digital printing, video, sculpture and mosaic - and addresses its different facets: from the drawings that accumulate in the studio to nourish future creations and are and are regularly discarded, to the scribbling as a field of possibilities, a field of experimentation and a space of freedom necessary for creation freedom necessary for creation, which allows for a renewed, more immediate practice.
Artists exhibited: Pascale Accoyer, June Allen, Götz Arndt, Hicham Berrada, Mireille Blanc, Olivier Blanckart, Wernher Bouwens, Pierre Buraglio, Marie José Burki, Stéphane Calais, Nina Childress, Claude Closky, Clément Cogitore, Philippe Cognée, Hélène Delprat, Laurent Esquerré, Sylvie Fanchon, Dominique Figarella, Gilgian Gelzer, Jean-Yves Jouannais, Carole Leroy, Frédérique Loutz, Jack McNiven, Annette Messager, Bernard Moninot, Eva Nielsen, Aurélie Pagès, Julien Prévieux, James Rielly, Vincent Rioux, Anne Rochette, Michel Salerno, Daniel Schlier, Julien Sirjacq, Valérie Sonnier, Nathalie Talec, Djamel Tatah, Pascale Marthine Tayou, Tatiana Trouvé and Fabrice Vannier.
Curator: Hélène Gasnault, curator of drawings at Beaux-Arts de Paris
Preface by Alexia Fabre, Director of the Beaux-Arts de Paris.
Text by Hélène Gasnault, curator of drawings and curator of the exhibition.
96 pages
Price €20
Available in February 2023

Anne Rochette, Tous ceux qui plongent ont des ailes, 2015 Graphite sur papier, 29,7 x 21 cm

Claude Closky, Deuxième choix, 2020 Impression numérique sur papier 160g coloré, feutre gouache, 29,7 x 42 cm Courtesy galerie Laurent Godin, Paris

Eva Nielsen, Étude 1, 2022 Aquarelle, encre et sérigraphie sur papier Canson, 29,7 x 21 cm

Frédérique Loutz, Lessiver, gribouiller, 2018 Technique mixte, 76,4 x 56,7 cm

Gilgian Gelzer, Sans titre, 2017 Graphite et crayons de couleur sur papier, 75,5 x 56 cm

Hélène Delprat, Sans doute d’après Urs Graf, 2021 Fusain et traces de pas, coulure de peinture acrylique, ocre rouge

Hicham Berrada, Un serpent dans le ciel, 2008 Vidéo noir et blanc, 1’34’’ ; ballon 1 m3 d’hélium, dispositif de balancier en laiton, fumigène artisanal, mèche

Nina Childress, page de carnet, 2022 Crayon sur papier, 29,7 x 21 cm

Stéphane Calais, Sans titre, 2020 Encre sur papier japonais, 34 x 24 cm

Tatiana Trouvé, Sans titre, 2017 Mine graphite, crayons de couleur, aquarelle et cuivre collé sur papier, 38 x 56,5 cm

Valérie Sonnier, Sans titre, 2022 Pierre noire et crayons de couleur sur papier, 21 x 27 cm