From wednesday 12 february 2025 to sunday 20 april 2025

Wednesday to Sunday, 1pm-7pm

Cabinet des dessins et des estampes – Jean Bonna

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris

This exhibition, dear to Beaux-Arts de Paris, where he had been teaching since 2015, presents to the public for the first time a substantial body of some fifty drawings, produced between 2006 and 2021.


Alongside his work as a poet and writer, Pierre Alferi (1963-2023) drew continuously and intensively for many years. This long-discreet practice was not shared until 2020 on his Enseignes website. These drawings explore the “pictorial couplings of word and image”, about which Pierre Alferi has regularly written. For him, they have been as much a problem of representation as a familiar path, among others, for exploring his moods and passions. Humor is expressed on several levels, in the discrepancies or connivances between words and images, and through the play of words with each other and with images. The various ways in which the two meet are the central theme of his pictorial work.


Pierre Alferi drew his daily inspiration from a variety of image sources, both in print and on screen. The iconographic variety reflects the diversity of his chosen objects, which range from medieval illuminations to Mad Magazine cartoonists, Japanese imagery, primers and Romantic vignettes. Almost all his drawings are copies, based on one or more source images, which he alters by retracing them, sometimes to the point of blurring the references. Prime thus the imaginary network in which he takes them, and which puns complete the link in a short-circuit of meaning. A mural airbrushed by Hippolyte Hentgen highlights the human relationships in which Pierre Alferi lived his creative work, and the multiple collaborations to which he contributed. It adopts the motifs of an original drawing by Hippolyte Hentgen, transformed, extrapolated and dispersed on the scale of the Cabinet des dessins et des estampes - Jean Bonna.

Curators: Kathy Alliou, director of the Fine Art Department at the Beaux-Arts de Paris and Paul Sztulman, professor of art history and theory at the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs.

Practical information 

Wednesday February 12 2025 - Sunday April 20 2025
Cabinet des dessins et des estampes - Jean Bonna
Beaux-Arts de Paris, 14 rue Bonaparte, Paris 6e
Wednesday to Sunday, 1pm-7pm
2€, 5€ or 10€ it's up to you!

From wednesday 12 february 2025 to sunday 16 march 2025

Wednesday to Sunday 1pm - 7pm, Wednesday night until 9pm

Palais des Beaux-Arts

13 quai Malaquais, 75006 Paris

L'art et la vie et inversement presents the 26 artists who received the Diplôme National Supérieur d'Arts Plastiques from Beaux-Arts de Paris with the Congratulations of the Jury in 2024.

Their works present a wide diversity of subjects, materials and intentions. The challenge of showing them together is to question what they express about a generation, and what they say about today's world.

What emerges from these works is the students' desire and way of constantly blending art and life. Their lives appear in their works in iconographic, thematic and narrative forms, and their works integrate their lifestyles. Through them, we see the fragility of the world and the threat it faces. There's nothing new in taking close friends and family members as models, but this approach has another meaning here: L'art et la vie et inversement reveals a flexible, fluid world in which reversals are possible, where landscapes speak of inner worlds, and intimate monologues speak of the world as it is.

These are horizons inspired by childhood visions, inhabited by singular forms of spirituality, or marked by the tragedies of history. Bodies are put to the test in pain, indeterminacy, hallucination, tenderness or malice. Gleaners in the city or in nature, these artists often appear inclined to help each other and to dialogue between the arts. Landscapes, and the human and non-human beings who populate them, are sometimes themselves the actors in a film. Characters emerge from another film to enter life. Other works deliver more domestic, intimate visions. For them, gentleness is sometimes a way of tackling the toughest subjects. A vision of a world in transformation, of an enigmatic present, these positions are based on the complexity of human beings. What emerges is a shared humanity, efforts to hold on to worlds on the verge of disappearing, narratives sometimes beyond the realms of reality.

Curator : Anaël Pigeat


Practical informations

Wednesday, February 12, 2025 to Sunday, March 16, 2025
Wednesday to Sunday, 1pm-7pm, Wednesday night until 9pm
Palais des Beaux-Arts
13 quai Malaquais, 75006 Paris

Responsible ticketing €2, €5 or €10, it's up to you!

Thursday 9 January 2025

6:30pm - 8:00pm

Palais des Beaux-Arts

13 quai Malaquais, 75006 Paris


6:30 pm | Tribute to Odette Pauvert and women students. 
Round table discussion moderated by Déborah Laks with Blandine Chavanne, Anaïd Demir, Bruno Gaudichon, Patrizia Celli and Adèle Taillefait. Evocation of the careers of women artists and the example of Odette Pauvert who entered Beaux-Arts de Paris in 1922. Winner of the silver medal at the Salon des Artistes Français in 1923, she was the first woman painter to win the Prix de Rome for painting in 1925. 

Thursday 12 December 2024

6:30pm - 8:15pm

Palais des Beaux-Arts

13 quai Malaquais, 75006 Paris


An evening dedicated to the trajectories of foreign students who have passed through the Beaux-Arts de Paris, with a tribute to the artist Ellsworth Kelly, featured in the exhibition.

Round table tribute to Ellsworth Kelly 

Round table with Eric de Chassey, Director General of INHA, France Nerlich, prefigurator of the Daniel Marchesseau resource and research center at the Musée d'Orsay, and Ming Tiampo, art history professor and co-director of the Centre for Transnational Cultural Analysis at Carleton University in Canada.

Thursday 5 December 2024

6:30pm - 8:00pm

Palais des Beaux-Arts

13 quai Malaquais, 75006 Paris


An evening of piano music by students from the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris and the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional - Ida Rubinstein de Paris.

Students from the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris (CNSMDP) and the Conservatoire à rayonnement régional de Paris - Ida Rubinstein (CRR) perform works by composers who won the Prix de Rome: Georges Bizet, Franz Liszt, Charles Gounod, Jules Massenet, Claude Debussy, Lili Boulanger, Gérard Pesson...

Thursday 28 November 2024

6:45pm - 8:15pm

Palais des Beaux-Arts

13 quai Malaquais, 75006 Paris


Viewpoint visit with Hélène Delprat, artist, and Valérie Sonnier, artist and teacher at the Beaux-Arts.

Hélène Delprat is an artist, a graduate of the Beaux-Arts de Paris and a former studio head. Her polymorphous practice explores the human condition, life and death. Her work encompasses painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, video, theatre and installation, combining references to literature, cinema, history and philosophy. Hélène Delprat is represented by the galleries Christophe Gaillard and Hauser & Wirth, Paris.

Thursday 7 November 2024

6:30pm - 8:00pm

Palais des Beaux-Arts

13 quai Malaquais, 75006 Paris


Meeting and signing of Marc Couturier's work

Round-table discussion, hanging of drawings and signing of the book dedicated to Marc Couturier, Les personnes, les animaux et les choses , published by Beaux-Arts de Paris éditions.


Lisa Lecuivre and Simon Deterre, Un chef d'atelier: ‘Tous les ans on se trompe’ (‘Every year we make a mistake’)


Thursday 17 October 2024

6:00pm - 7:00pm

Palais des Beaux-Arts

13 quai Malaquais, 75006 Paris


Please note change of timetable: starts at 6pm instead of 6.30pm

Viewpoint visit to the Souvenirs de jeunesse exhibition with Daniel Schlier, artist and teacher at the Beaux-Arts, and Alice Thomine-Berrada, exhibition curator and head of collections at the Beaux-Arts de Paris.

Alice Thomine-Berrada is head curator and head of collections at the Beaux-Arts de Paris. Since her arrival in 2018, her research has focused on the history of the School.

Thursday 24 October 2024

7:00pm - 9:00pm

Palais des Beaux-Arts

13 quai Malaquais, 75006 Paris


A psychiatric look at Souvenirs de jeunesse with Nassim Sarni, 2024 graduate, and Alice Thomine-Berrada, exhibition curator and head of the collections department.

Nassim Sarni's work was developed both at the Beaux-Arts de Paris and in psychiatric hospitals, where he has been practising since 2017, after an initial medical degree in this speciality.

Alice Thomine-Berrada is head curator of heritage and head of collections at the Beaux-Arts de Paris. Since her arrival in 2018, her research has focused on the history of the School.

From wednesday 16 october 2024 to sunday 12 january 2025

Wednesday to Sunday, 1pm-7pm (Nocturne Thursday until 9pm)

Palais des Beaux-Arts

13 quai Malaquais, 75006 Paris

From David to Delacroix, Cézanne to Matisse, Ellsworth Kelly to Gina Pane and Hélène Delprat, Souvenirs de jeunesse is a journey back in time over two centuries, from 1780 to 1980, during which the Beaux-Arts de Paris welcomed tens of thousands of aspiring artists. 

Through more than 260 works and documents, the exhibition adopts the point of view of youth, that of young men and women on the threshold of their artistic vocation. 

Souvenirs de jeunesse examines history in the present, with contributions from artist Franck Leibovici and eight students from the Beaux-Arts de Paris, who were struck by the enduring feelings that enter the world of art: joy, competitiveness, uncertainty and solidarity.

The exhibition will be closed to the public on Wednesday, December 25, 2024 and January 1, 2025.

Mediation :

Guided tours organized in partnership with the École du Louvre take place every Saturday from 3:30pm to 5pm. 

The catalogue

A catalogue accompanies the exhibition, Souvenirs de jeunesse: entrer aux Beaux-Arts de Paris 1780-1980. Over 400 works and documents are reproduced in colour, telling the story of 150 former Beaux-Arts students (portraits, nudes, history paintings, expressive heads, archives, etc.). 
They are accompanied by texts by Alexia Fabre, Alice Thomine Berrada, Hélène Gasnault, Giulia Longo, Lucie Lachenal, Claire Garcia, Henri Guette, etc. 
Beaux-Arts de Paris éditions 364 pages Price 39 euros 

Curator: Alice Thomine-Berrada, General Curator of Heritage, responsible for the Beaux-Arts de Paris collections.

Associate artists: Franck Leibovici, associate artist; Mickael Berdugo, Margot Bernard, Pierre Guihard, Ruoxi Jin, Lisa Lecuivre, Caroline Rambaud, Nassim Sarni, Emmanuel van der Elst, associate students.

Scenography designed in partnership with the École d'architecture Paris-Malaquais, under the direction of Yann Rocher, with the participation of Carol Vasques and Lilian Marchand.

Lighting design: Virginie Nicolas (Concepto)

Institutional partners :
Archives nationales de France, Ellsworth Kelly Foundation, Farid Belkahia Foundation

With the support of :
Association Orphée, RATP

Practical information

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 - Sunday, January 12, 2025
Beaux-Arts de Paris 13 quai Malaquais, Paris 6e
Wednesday to Sunday, 1pm-7pm
Nocturne Thursday until 9pm

5€, 10€ or 15€, the choice is yours!





5, 10 or 15 €, the choice is yours!

The ticket office in charge invites each visitor coming to discover an exhibition at the Beaux-Arts de Paris to choose his or her entrance ticket from among 3 proposed rates: 5 €, 10 € or 15 €. Contribute according to your means, your passion and your desire for commitment!

Free of charge (on presentation of a valid receipt):

• under 26 years old

• students and teachers of the National Higher Schools of Art and Architecture of the Ministère de la Culture

• students from member institutions of the University of Paris-Sciences-et- Lettres (PSL)

• students of the École du Louvre

• holders of the Ministère de la Culture card

• Amis des Beaux-Arts de Paris

• card holder : Maison des Artistes, ICOM, ICOMOS, Association française des commissaires d’exposition (CEA)

• journalists

• jobseekers, recipients of minimum social benefits

• civilian disabled and war-disabled (with an attendant)